Affiliate Signup

The cryptocurrencyeducator Referral program is a 2 tier referral program and is a great way to spread the word about cryptocurrencies and get rewarded in the process.  You receive $25 commission anytime someone signs up and purchases the Cryptocurrency Educator course at $95 from your referral link (your tier 1).  You also receive a $25 commission if someone in your tier 2 refers someone who purchases the program. 

Referrals are paid out once a month in USDT stable coin. If you don’t know what stable coins are, you will learn all about them in the course!

To Receive your affiliate commisions, you will need a decentralized Wallet that receives USDT ERC20 tokens. We are recommending that you use either Metamask or HubKoin to receive your payments. Using any other wallet may result in your funds not being paid. 

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